Plotting of single-channel currents

Plotting utilities for single channel currents.

scplotlib.Popen(mec, tres)

Calculate Popen curve parameters and data for Popen curve plot.

Parameters :

mec : instance of type Mechanism

tres : float

Time resolution (dead time).

Returns :

c : ndarray of floats, shape (num of points,)

Concentration in mikroM.

pe : ndarray of floats, shape (num of points,)

Open probability corrected for missed events.

pi : ndarray of floats, shape (num of points,)

Ideal open probability.

scplotlib.burst_length_pdf(mec, conditional=False, tmin=1e-05, tmax=1000, points=512)

Calculate the mean burst length and data for burst length distribution.

Parameters :

mec : instance of type Mechanism

conditional : bool

True if conditional distribution is plotted.

tmin, tmax : floats

Time range for burst length ditribution.

points : int

Number of points per plot.

Returns :

t : ndarray of floats, shape (num of points)

Time in millisec.

fbst : ndarray of floats, shape (num of points)

Burst length pdf.

cfbrst : ndarray of floats, shape (num of open states, num of points)

Conditional burst length pdf.

scplotlib.burst_openings_pdf(mec, n, conditional=False)

Calculate the mean number of openings per burst and data for the distribution of openings per burst.

Parameters :

mec : instance of type Mechanism

n : int

Number of openings.

conditional : bool

True if conditional distribution is plotted.

Returns :

r : ndarray of ints, shape (num of points,)

Number of openings per burst.

Pr : ndarray of floats, shape (num of points,)

Fraction of bursts.

cPr : ndarray of floats, shape (num of open states, num of points)

Fraction of bursts for conditional distribution.

scplotlib.burst_length_versus_conc_plot(mec, cmin, cmax)

Calculate data for the plot of burst length versus concentration.

Parameters :

mec : instance of type Mechanism

cmin, cmax : float

Range of concentrations in M.

Returns :

c : ndarray of floats, shape (num of points,)

Concentration in mikroM

br : ndarray of floats, shape (num of points,)

Mean burst length in millisec.

brblk : ndarray of floats, shape (num of points,)

Mean burst length in millisec corrected for fast block.

scplotlib.open_time_pdf(mec, tres, tmin=1e-05, tmax=1000, points=512, unit='ms')

Calculate ideal asymptotic and exact open time distributions.

Parameters :

mec : instance of type Mechanism

tres : float

Time resolution.

tmin, tmax : floats

Time range for burst length ditribution.

points : int

Number of points per plot.

unit : str

‘ms’- milliseconds.

Returns :

t : ndarray of floats, shape (num of points)

Time in millisec.

ipdf, epdf, apdf : ndarrays of floats, shape (num of points)

Ideal, exact and asymptotic open time distributions.

scplotlib.shut_time_pdf(mec, tres, tmin=1e-05, tmax=1000, points=512, unit='ms')

Calculate ideal asymptotic and exact shut time distributions.

Parameters :

mec : instance of type Mechanism

tres : float

Time resolution.

tmin, tmax : floats

Time range for burst length ditribution.

points : int

Number of points per plot.

unit : str

‘ms’- milliseconds.

Returns :

t : ndarray of floats, shape (num of points)

Time in millisec.

ipdf, epdf, apdf : ndarrays of floats, shape (num of points)

Ideal, exact and asymptotic shut time distributions.

scplotlib.subset_time_pdf(mec, tres, state1, state2, tmin=1e-05, tmax=1000, points=512, unit='ms')

Calculate ideal pdf of any subset dwell times.

Parameters :

mec : instance of type Mechanism

tres : float

Time resolution.

state1, state2 : ints

tmin, tmax : floats

Time range for burst length ditribution.

points : int

Number of points per plot.

unit : str

‘ms’- milliseconds.

Returns :

t : ndarray of floats, shape (num of points)

Time in millisec.

spdf : ndarray of floats, shape (num of points)

Subset dwell time pdf.

class scplotlib.SquareRootScale(axis, **kwargs)

Class for generating square root scaled axis for probability density function plots.



Set the actual transform for the axis coordinates.


Set the locators and formatters to reasonable defaults.

limit_range_for_scale(vmin, vmax, minpos)

Returns the range vmin, vmax, possibly limited to the domain supported by this scale.

minpos should be the minimum positive value in the data.
This is used by log scales to determine a minimum value.

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Single channel burst calculations

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