HJC root search

dc-pyps functions related to HJC root search.

bisectHJC.bisect(s1, s2, tres, Q11, Q22, Q12, Q21, k1, k2)

Find asymptotic root (det(W) = 0) in interval [s1, s2] using bisection method.

Parameters :

s1, s2 : float

Limits of Laplace transform argument interval to split.

tres : float

Time resolution (dead time).

Q11 : array_like, shape (k1, k1)

Q22 : array_like, shape (k2, k2)

Q21 : array_like, shape (k2, k1)

Q12 : array_like, shape (k1, k2)

Q11, Q12, Q22, Q21 - submatrices of Q.

k1, k2 : int

Numbers of open/shut states in kinetic scheme.

Returns :

sout : float

Asymptotic root at wich |W|=0.

bisectHJC.bisection_intervals(sa, sb, tres, Q11, Q22, Q12, Q21, k1, k2)

Find, according to Frank Ball’s method, suitable starting guesses for each HJC root- the upper and lower limits for bisection. Exactly one root should be between those limits.

Parameters :

sa, sb : float

Laplace transform arguments.

tres : float

Time resolution (dead time).

Q11 : array_like, shape (k1, k1)

Q22 : array_like, shape (k2, k2)

Q21 : array_like, shape (k2, k1)

Q12 : array_like, shape (k1, k2)

Q11, Q12, Q22, Q21 - submatrices of Q.

k1, k2 : int

Numbers of open/shut states in kinetic scheme.

Returns :

sr : array_like, shape (k2, 2)

Limits of s value intervals containing exactly one root.

bisectHJC.gFB(s, tres, Q11, Q22, Q12, Q21, k1, k2)

Find number of eigenvalues of H(s) that are equal to or less than s.

Parameters :

s : float

Laplace transform argument.

tres : float

Time resolution (dead time).

Q11 : array_like, shape (k1, k1)

Q22 : array_like, shape (k2, k2)

Q21 : array_like, shape (k2, k1)

Q12 : array_like, shape (k1, k2)

Q11, Q12, Q22, Q21 - submatrices of Q.

k1 : int

A number of open/shut states in kinetic scheme.

k2 : int

A number of shut/open states in kinetic scheme.

Returns :

ng : int

bisectHJC.split(sa, sb, nga, ngb, tres, Q11, Q22, Q12, Q21, k1, k2)

Split interval [sa, sb] into two subintervals, each of which contains at least one root.

Parameters :

sa, sb : float

Limits of Laplace transform argument interval.

nga, ngb : int

Number of eigenvalues (roots) below sa or sb, respectively.

tres : float

Time resolution (dead time).

Q11 : array_like, shape (k1, k1)

Q22 : array_like, shape (k2, k2)

Q21 : array_like, shape (k2, k1)

Q12 : array_like, shape (k1, k2)

Q11, Q12, Q22, Q21 - submatrices of Q.

k1, k2 : int

Numbers of open/shut states in kinetic scheme.

Returns :

sa1, sb1, sa2, sb2 : floats

Limits of s value intervals.

nga1, ngb1, nga2, ngb2 : ints

Number of eigenvalues below corresponding s values.

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